Rachel Brathen – žena, ktorá premenila svoju popularitu na Instagrame na pomoc iným


Rachel Brathen Yoga Girl z Instagramu

Príbeh o tom, že aj popularitu na sociálnych médiách možno premeniť na niečo zmysluplné.

We had the best night. Little moon slept 11pm-8am with breaks to eat and cuddle at 2 and 5. It feels like we slept the whole night through. After each feeding she just lies in my arms, looking at me. Talking to me with her eyes. I've never had anyone look at me the way she does. It's like we've spent lifetimes trying to find each other and finally… Here we are. I found her and she found me and now time has stopped. Somehow, just looking at her is learning about the world. She's this magical creature! A little fairy. She hasn't cried for three days. Not once. She just smiles and eats and sleeps and makes faces and tells me stories with her eyes. Everything I've ever wondered about, she already knows. _ After our night of quiet I stepped into the shower and started crying. Just bawling. Couldn't stop. I cried and cried and cried until my knees buckled. It took me a minute to figure it out because I didn't feel that usual pain at the pit of my stomach that accompanies a really intense cry. I caught my breath between sobs and it hit me: I'm HAPPY! I'm just so happy! So happy. So happy so happy so happy. On a level I can't remember ever experiencing before. I'm so happy it's making me cry and now I don't know how to stop. I'm standing in the shower crying but also laughing because life is so fucking beautiful I can't contain this love. It's pouring out of me. I dry off and go downstairs and there she is. My little moon. She is here and she is real and I get to love her forever. What could possibly be bigger than this? #lealuna

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Cieľom podnikania nemusí byť iba vidina peňazí

Niekedy môže ísť aj o snahu urobiť z tohto sveta o kúsok lepšie miestom. Taká je filozofia Rachel Brathen, 28-ročnej Švédky, ktorá svoju rodnú krajinu opustila ihneď po maturite. Cestovanie po svete ju zaviedlo až do Kostariky, nádhernej krajiny v Strednej Amerike plnej piesočnatých pláží, tyrkysovomodrej vody a zelených dažďových pralesov. Bez peňazí, stálej práce a žijúc v chatrči, ktorú po každom daždi zaplavilo, bola vášeň k joge tým jediným, čo Rachel mala. Ako však sama neskôr priznala, i napriek tomu bola šťastná. ,,Prestala som sa báť o to, či o mne druhí myslia, a sústredila som sa viac na to, čo cítim. Vedela som, že ak budem meditovať a užívať si život taký, aký je, život ma vezme na tie správne miesta. Jednoducho som verila, že všetko dopadne v môj prospech, a tak sa aj stalo.“

Yoga bliss? SUP Yoga with flamingos and @island.yoga was my favorite thing so far this summer. Where is your yoga taking you? Know that you can practice with amazing teachers wherever you are in the world with @oneoeight.tv ! I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone that participated in the beautiful #oneoeightsoultribe challenge and inspired us with your authenticity from all over the world❤️ And thank you to our beautiful hosts! I love you @stephynow @sbickle @jenpastiloff @lara.heimann @beebosnak @yulady @geraldsaluti @lizarch @yogawithbriohny @meghancurrieyoga @chandanni.webefree @pamelachangyoga @alexismartinyoga @ameliakyoga @cosmicchristine @coralbrown @ogyogini @yogipsychologist @rameshtarun @andrew7sealy @bluewaterlove @infinitesourceyoga !!! Thank you for making www.oneoeight.com the most amazing yoga platform in the world. ❤️❤️❤️ @oneoeight.tv #community #yogaeverydamnday

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Rachel Brathen Yoga Girl z Instagramu 

Bolo to začiatkom roka 2010, keď Rachel navštívila malý karibský ostrov Aruba, kde stretla svojho súčasného manžela. Keďže na ostrove nebolo mnoho pracovných príležitostí, rozhodla sa, že bude učiť jogu. Celý život sa však pre Rachel paradoxne zmenil až v momente, keď si založila účet na Instagrame a začala zverejňovať fotky, na ktorých cvičí jogu.

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm broken. Not in a sad way, just in an it-is-what-it-is kind of way. Life happened and I've adjusted accordingly. We're all a little bit shattered. Pain and heartache comes our way and with time we develop patterns that we think will protect us… But that only keep us in fear. There are traits in me that aren't necessarily a part of who I am, but that surface as a result of what I've seen in this lifetime. For instance: I have a huge fear of abandonment. Since my parents separation when I was two, my stepfather's death when I was four, my mothers suicide attempts that followed and every divorce, trauma and death I've experienced since.. Sometimes makes me act a bit strange in relationships. I have to be continuously mindful of what's real and what's fear. I'm scared of being left out. I'm controlling – I want things to happen my way, and I often assume things are going to go wrong if I'm not in charge. I micromanage everything. I expect people to fail me, or disappoint me, or leave me… So they often do. It's instilled in me since I was a little girl that "if I don't do it on my own we're not going to survive" and I can be assertive to the point of coming off as bitchy. I don't trust easily, and I don't give second chances. I'm messy. I'm emotional. I love hard and get upset about little things. I take everything personally. I want to fix everyone, even if they're not broken. I want the world to be whole because that means I am. So much of what how I feel and act is connected to the past. Part of my journey is figuring out what is truly a part of me, what brings my light out into the world, and what's baggage masquerading as personality. What's action, and what's reaction? Am I moving with love or with fear? The only way to make peace with who you are is to make peace with your past. Explore your childhood. Your history. It brought you here and it made you who you are; but is this you at your fullest potential? Do you see love in everything? Is this your purpose? Ask questions. Notice the signs. Peel some layers off. Keep looking for love and when you're ready it will show itself as everything you already are.

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Počet ľudí, ktorí Rachel, známu ako yoga_girl, sledovali, začal dramaticky rásť. Nebolo to však kvôli dokonalým pózam a prekrásnemu ostrovu v pozadí, ale predovšetkým preto, že Rachel pod svojimi príspevkami zdieľala aj svoje momentálne pocity, nech už boli akékoľvek. Na rozdiel od iných na Instagrame neprezentovala iba na prvý pohľad dokonalý život, ale aj pády, ktoré taktiež patria k životu. Jej úprimné vyznania si čoskoro získali srdcia viac ako 2 miliónov ľudí po celom svete, a Rachel aj vďaka tomu dostala príležitosť učiť jogu po celom svete. Neskôr o svojej ceste k joge napísala aj knihu, ktorá sa stala New York Times bestsellerom a v decembri minulého roka úspešne otvorila najväčšie joga štúdio v Karibiku.

Nezostalo však iba pri podnikaní. Rachel sa rozhodla, že svoju popularitu na sociálnych médiách využije na lepší účel, ako iba na získanie sponzorov a peňazí. Aj napriek tomu, že ju mnohé spoločnosti žiadali, aby propagovala ich produkty, ona odmietla. Namiesto toho začala propagovať filantropiu a v súčasnosti úspešne prevádzkuje dve neziskové organizácie – 109 a Sgt. Pepper’s friends, ktorá pomáha opusteným zvieratám. Pretože ako sama verí –  to, čo dáme, sa nám vráti.

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